- Energy and Climate
Adapting to Climate Change in Africa and Europe — AEF Report
- The Africa-Europe Foundation

The Africa-Europe Foundation report on ‘Adapting to Climate Change in Africa and Europe’ examines how our two continents’ are adapting to the ever-growing impacts of climate change, and how they might work better together to their mutual advantage over the coming decade.
This report builds on the outcomes and findings of recent events, including CoP26, the AU-EU Summit and the latest IPCC report on adaptation. It provides a fresh analysis on the current state-of-play for our two continents and highlights potential ways forward for strengthened cooperation on adaptation action in view of CoP27.
This timely report consists of a first section that defines key terms, then moves on to describe the current landscape for adaptation for the two continents. It makes explicit reference to existing strategies, as well as the institutions, initiatives and funding instruments that support adaptation across our two continents. It notes the very different starting points for each continent, and how such a gap might be bridged.
The second section assesses the pros and cons of joint working, noting opportunities such as the AU-EU summit that took place on February 17-18, the window of opportunity Africa has for ensuring adaptation is at the forefront of the climate negotiations at CoP27 in Egypt, in November 2022, and how Europe can offer a supportive partnership of broader global importance.
The report demonstrates that Africa and Europe should act in a coordinated fashion to re-shape the current adaptation model and rebalance efforts, including on finance and loss & damage. It makes reference to a series of recommendations for collective action on adaptation, aimed at political leaders, development financial institutions and practitioners, and offers an ambitious framework for European and African leaders to take a global lead in adaptation practice and finance.
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